Thursday, December 31, 2009

Color Trends

I'm working on Staccato's new line and wondering exactly what the hot wedding color trends will be.  Many years in the bridal industry have taught me that "in" is an  We really can't call trend forecasting a science!  The reasons being that:

     a) weddings are such very personal affairs and the fact that tangerine might be what the magazines are showing does not change the idea "Emma" has had in her head since childhood about a pink wedding.

     b) a "typical" couple might have anywhere from 3 months to 3 years to plan their wedding.  When I worked in a bridal shop, it was not unheard of for customers to order their bridesmaid dresses over a year in advance.  Naturally, this completely throws off the balance of "in" and "out". (Thanks, Heidi!)

So, exactly how does an invitation designer predict what the trends will be?  She guesses...and takes tips from her readers.   I'm asking you -- all you brides-to-be -- what are your wedding colors and when is your wedding?  Are you layering on jewel tones in dusty hues?  Or keeping the ever-classic black?  Monotone schemes are supposedly in style...will you be using dark green with a hint of chartreuse and a pop of lime?  Help me out ladies, and you will be rewarded!  First, with a 2010 lineup that reflects your style and second with discount at if you leave your e-mail address.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New additions for the new year

I am in love with these invites.  No, honestly!  There is no better way to respect our planet then to mail your guests an invitation printed on plantable paper.  That's right, beautiful wild flowers are grown directly from your wedding invitation!

Instructions for planting the paper are included on every invitation and you can even choose to mail them in wildflower seed embedded envelopes!  These invites bring "renewable" to a whole new level and Staccato is very proud to offer them to our eco-conscious customers.  Okay -- even if you aren't all that eco-conscious, these are just downright kewl!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Giving Thanks...

I am thrilled with Staccato's new website design and want to thank Kari Mitchell from Kari & Co. for her outstanding work. She was extremely patient, creative, quick, and patient. Did I say patient? I think our new look is romantic without "futz" and easy to navigate. THANKS, Kari!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

As 2009 comes to a close, I am excited for the possibilities of a new year. Lots of ideas are in my head for beautiful new designs, but I thought we should first honor those that made Staccato successful this year. A special thanks to all our customers for your inspiration. I hope you enjoy the "Best of 2009" collection featured above. Check back soon to learn of all the wonderful things happening at Staccato in 2010!