Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

The new year is here and I'm dreaming of all the wonderful possibilities ahead!  It will be a busy year for sure -- but I do have a resolution.  One you all might find a bit ridiculous since I do own a stationery company.  I need to be better about remembering birthdays.  It's true -- I'm terrible!  Even my Godchildren didn't get cards on their special days in 2009.  My mom's was late, my dad's was non-existent, my twin brother didn't get one, but then again, he didn't send one to me either.

That's all going to change this year.  I'm going to spend a few hours today hunting down all the misc. calendars that hold all my loved ones' special dates and consolidate them into one that I might actually check.  Do you have a great secret for never forgetting a birthday?  A software program you like?  A web-based service that automatically sends a card and gift?  Share your tips by writing a comment below or e-mailing  You'll be rewarded with a discount at

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